Instagram Message: Aw, love is in the air. Look at young Beau's hair. I'm a poet. Check the blog for more of my talents. lol.
Besides the average hustle and bustle of normal motherhood, I have been unusually pre-occupied since the first day of 2017. So when I finally pulled out the plastic storage bins that hold all of our Valentine’s Day stuff, I was pretty bummed to find out that I had nothing stored away from last year’s “after-Valentine’s Day sales”. I was counting on having some thoughtful pinches ready to go. Well, today it hit me that I have a lot to do in order to get this holiday rolling! I went out to see what sorts of Valentine’s Day gifts were still left out there. I checked Target and Home Goods and I was thinking about visiting my local honey store and Michaels. Did I have time to put something fun and different together or make something crafty? Hmmm…
Between both kids, they have nineteen teachers/faculty that they have a class with or have a lot of contact with each week. Outside of school, we have fifteen people who we give pinches to because they support, teach or coach. And although it’s never required, I always feel like we should give Valentine pinches to all the classmates in my kids’ classes (forty-one kids). While I was thinking of the classmates, I remembered the seven kiddos that I teach for First Communion and threw them in as well. We also send out approximately eighteen Valentines to our family and friends. And last but not least, my shopping list must include my son, my daughter and the hub. Phew, that’s a lot of pinches!
So here’s how this is all going down:
*My immediate family. I spotted a gummy treat that I had to get for my son. Not sure how he’ll eat it but I think the concept was super for the Xboxer in my life. I also ordered Harry Potter playing cards for him because he is into Harry Potter these days, which I support whole-heartedly. My daughter will get a shirt to wear on Valentine’s Day and I will pick up a fresh sleeve of macaroons which I know she will absolutely love. As for the hub, he gets gummy candies too and the other gift is top secret in case he reads this before the big day.
*The eighteen cards. There’s not much that I pat myself on the back for these days but today I have to brag: I have already signed all eighteen Valentine cards that we are sending to our family and friends! Since I had to travel last week, I brought all of the cards with me. This worked out great because I had time to write short notes instead of quick scribbles. Now I’m just waiting for my kids to sign them so we can mail the cards by the end of this week.
*Guys vs. Gals. Here’s a First: I was finished with the guys’ pinches before the gals’. These socks were not in my Valentine’s storage bins but I remembered that I had bought them many months ago with the thought of Valentine’s Day pinches in mind. Back then, I was able to take advantage of a sale, the proceeds were going to a charity and they offered free shipping. I always like to support a charity and the quality of the socks are very good. So all I had to do was wrap up the socks and I was able to check the male teachers off my list immediately. Done.
*The females. I wanted to get something that didn’t have sugar but was still sweet for all the ladies on our thoughtful pinch list this year. I ordered twenty-two air plants from my “go to” florist Arts and Flowers. Air plants are nice to put in a kitchen, office or bathroom for some added greenery. They only cost as much as one rose or some carnations but they can last for years with very minimal work. I know I’m too practical, but hopefully the plants are still trendy. All of the air plants will be ready to be picked up on 2/13 - wrapped simply yet elegantly in a clear plastic bag, similar to how corsages come and will include a “how to care for” note. I thought the theme “Love is in the Air (plant)” would be cute.
My air plant that I've had for over a year.
I bought these plant holders in two sizes, filled with black sand, shells and pebbles from Spruce over 3 years ago. They keep my air plants safe and gives my office a nice lift of green all year long.
*The classmates. Another First: I have always avoided giving any type of candy to classmates as thoughtful pinches but this year, I’m screwing that. I bought all of the Valentine’s Day version of Hubba Bubba Gum Tape that was in the Target - twenty three rolls. But I need twenty five more to take care of both classes and the seven First Communion students. My daughter says if I can’t find more Hubba Bubba, her classmates would love the Valentine’s version of Tic Tacs, which I never knew they had. Usually, I would “Amazon this” without hesitation HOWEVER, this is the first time Amazon was selling a product at a higher price than Target. Target has Tic Tacs in two ounce containers for a dollar and Amazon has them in one ounce containers for two dollars and fifty cents. The only problem with Target is that they charge for shipping per item. Which means that I am buying twenty-one dollars of Tic Tacs but would have to pay eighty-four dollars for shipping. This one is not checked off the list and I will be driving to Targets around the metro area over the next few days.
$1 each at Target.
*Last but not least. If you’re looking for a fun way to spend your Valentine’s evening, don’t bother asking us. My son has hockey practice from 4-520p and then again from 7-820p so that is where we’ll be. But it will be great because then we can give the six hockey coaches (two sets of three) their homemade cookies. Can’t you just feel the love in the air?
And that’s how our thoughtful pinches on Valentine’s Day will be going down. The End.