Instagram Message: 2010 Egg Hunt in our yard. Easter traditions.
I wanted to write something super inspiring about the next holiday coming up but the Leprechaun was barely out the front door when the Easter Bunny came barging in. I must be getting old or lazy or both because I just didn’t have the spirit or energy to give the teachers their Easter/Spring gifts this year - the day after St. Pat’s. Friday was the last day before Spring Break. When I made the decision to cut the Spring gifts this year I felt a little weight lift off my shoulders. But now, as Spring Break begins, I look back at the thoughtful pinches from last year and I feel like I wimped out. I totally could have pulled it off!! If only I had read my blog or if a few days earlier, I pulled out the huge plastic storage bin that holds all of our Easter stuff. Not only would I have been inspired but I would have found all the goods that I bought last year at half off! I couldn’t believe that I already had the gifts and all I had to do was take them out of storage. Ugh. Well, I put them all back into the storage bin vowing that I will be ready next year for sure. I felt guilty for being lazy.
Since we are traveling this week, I just couldn’t get excited about pulling out all the decorations for 5 days. Hello? I’m Catholic - Easter is bigger than Christmas! How could I not be excited to decorate the house for such an important holiday? Our house is usually covered with stuffed bunnies, baskets, kids’ artwork etc. all in anticipation of Easter. But this year, I made a conscious effort to just say no. And once again, I could feel the weight lift off my shoulders. I think my kids will survive not having the Easter Bunny tissue box cover, Easter Bunny napkin rings and deviled egg dishes. I know that there will be other years when pulling out all the decorations will make more sense and/or my timing will be better. For now, I’ll just feel a little lazy and a little guilty.
Minimal decor: a banner (Target 2015) and some candy in dishes (circa Target 2007 - $1 each) I have 8 dishes scattered around. M&M’s Strawberry Shortcake and M&M’s Crisp, Starburst Jellybeans and Twizzlers Easter Grass licorice.
SIMPLE BUT STILL A STATEMENT. paper eggs hanging on the pussywillow branches.
Wow, I’m just one uplifting, inspiring blogger today, aren't I? I hope to inspire you to be thoughtful in a totally different way. In preparing for this Easter holiday, I was thoughtful to let go of some traditions even though they are so important to me and my family. I chose the inconsistent route even though I hate being inconsistent. If I pushed myself, I know I could have gotten the jobs done - giving back to back teacher gifts and/or decorating the house in full Easter theme. But I decided to be thoughtful about my intentions - who am I trying to impress? If there is ever a time when being thoughtful feels mechanical, contrived, expected or cliche - you are better off being lazy and not feeling an ounce of guilt about it.
Enjoy the Spring!