Instagram Message: My friends Steve & Heidi are expecting twins on Beau's bday! Check out the blog for pics of their shower.
Steve proposed to Heidi in June of 2012 and before they were even married, he asked me to throw a baby shower if and when they got pregnant. It was an honor and privilege to be asked and I gladly said, “Of course!”. You can only imagine how elated I was to get the news that not only were they EXPECTING a baby, they were EXPECTING twins! My mind quickly shifted into planning mode: shower theme, what food to serve, what to give out as the party favors etc. I’ve had four years to plan this event because they got married in December 2012! The pressure was on…like Donkey Kong!
The Tiny Prints coupon made it irresistible to have printed invites designed and sent quickly. Guests were asked to RSVP via email so I could send them some participation information that I didn't include on the invites. Wishing Steve wore the custom block stickers instead of the Crown Royals.
When the parents-to-be decided to have a couples’ shower, it seemed like a natural fit to go with a football theme. Steve is a huge Vikings fan so when they planned their wedding, they intentionally set the date to be on the eve of the Vikings vs. Packers game. The wedding festivities continued into the next day with a tailgate party - complete with 200 customized block out stickers that they wore under the eyes. That's a clue - Heidi is a gamer. So with the help of Tiny Prints, I created the invitation cards (for millennials: these require postage stamps and are sent thru the US postal service) by using a cute picture of the couple recently taken at a game.
Delivery Date Over Under. Each participant paid $10 and made their 10 guesses. The tie breaker, which was listed on the back, is "When will Heidi's milk come in?" Under 24 hours or over? The participants had to list how many hours they thought the milk would come in next to their over or under guess.
Everything I saw on Pinterest was NOT what I thought this crowd would get into so I made up a game that fits the football theme (but is actually more of a Vegas gambling theme). The game is called “Delivery Date Over Under” and it is super basic but it was fun because it created dialogue. Everyone learned about things that they didn’t think they would ever have to know - even those of us who are already moms. I tried to come up with 10 situations that were personal to this couple. Vegas baby…the winner gets cash!
Two more songs: "Baby Be Mine" by Michael Jackson was added by Ali and "Push It" by Salt n Pepa was added by Char. I wanted to add "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears because Steve & Heidi are big fans but thought the title sounded like Child Services may come after them. Note: my song titles do not have the key words!
Via email I asked the guests to submit their favorite song titles that contained the words: baby, family, lullaby and/or sleep in the title because I will make a mixed cd for Steve and Heidi. The response was awesome! The most popular song submitted was Baby Got Back. At first I was a little bent out of shape that some people were submitting song titles without any of the key words but I soon got over it when I realized how much fun they were having coming up with songs. This will make the cd so much more personal and I hope they will enjoy listening to it for years to come.
Remember these? I bought them online for the Halloween Piano recital last year. Came in handy for a baby shower. Perfect for wine.
Dessert: The boy cupcakes had yellow bow ties with purple pacifiers and the girls had purple bows in the hair with yellow pacifiers. Sam Farmer and his wife Paige came to the baby shower when I was pregnant with my second. They wrote their "One is one. Two is twenty." line in my card and I have never forgotten it.
As for food and beverages, I almost hired our trusty taco truck to serve dinner. Fortunately a friend, who is from San Clemente, CA and knows Mexican food, talked me into having it catered by her favorite local authentic Mexican restaurant. I was nervous because we have searched far and wide for good Mexican food around these parts and couldn’t find anything. The food was good, it kept the guests inside the venue rather than in a line outside and it was half the cost of the taco truck. The usual drinks were served; although I should have served margaritas to enhance the Mexican food and beer experience. But we drank wine from milk jugs instead of wine glasses or plastic cups so it’s kind of the same thing (LOL). Since the couple has already chosen their names for the babies, but have been advised wisely not share them until the births, I came up with a fun activity. What drink specials sound like great names for twins? With a list like this, I’m sure we can persuade Steve and Heidi to change their names.
I think my Gin & Juice inspired my hub's suggestion. Can you tell which one is his?
While some guys played paddle tennis, Steve joined the girls as we cozied up around Heidi to watch her open gifts. Every time I see the stuff they have for babies these days, I can’t get over all the new gadgets. The gifts were great. Even I embraced technology when it came to recording who gave what. I just snapped pictures of the gifts and sent them to the mom-to-be who will hopefully hand them over to the dad-to-be to write the thank you notes.
Gift opening time!
As the guests left the shower, they took home a Person (Steve & Heidi’s last name) Pop Supply kit. Some guests wished the cigars were real and not chocolate.
I was really nervous about throwing this shower because I felt rusty, like I haven’t entertained in forever. And as always, I wish I had more time for everything to have a more finished and polished look. I mean, I was writing on the poster boards 5 minutes before the celebrants walked in (like you can’t tell). Before any of the guests arrived Steve said, “I don’t know how you could throw us this shower with everything you have going on in your normal life.” That statement was a thoughtful pinch because not only did that set the tone, but it lowered the “EXPECTation bar” that I had put on myself. I was genuinely relaxed and enjoyed the shower which I wasn't really EXPECTING but I am so glad it turned out that way.