Instagram message: Guess you can say these Dirty Mother Muckers loved the Earth on that day. Will you celebrate Earth Day next week?
Unlike Sibling's Day on FaceBook, Earth Day has been around for awhile. April 22nd is set aside for the Earth. Tree huggers are not the only ones who appreciate where they live and the air they breathe. Maybe you already do things to leave less of a carbon footprint, like recycle your plastics, cans, bottles etc. You may carry around the re-usable bags for grocery trips. You may drink out of a re-useable water bottle. You may buy products that are packaged in recycled materials. Hey, you may even compost!
Earth Day is the easiest holiday to celebrate because you can either do something to help keep the earth rolling in a safe, cleaner way or you can choose to NOT do something like skip pesticides on your home garden. Either way, you are giving a pinch to Earth and you're being thoughtful for the next generation because you are leaving less mess. You don't have to have a special day to give a thoughtful pinch but awareness is the whole reason Earth Day exists.
Yes, in my house we compost. We use stainless steel or paper straws for our weekly smoothies. We use cloth napkins. I buy bulk grocery items at the local co-op - choosing organic foods whenever there's a choice. We use washable snack sacks - which I hand wash because we use them daily. Speaking of wash, I do laundry once a week. You get it, I'm "crunchy" - the updated granola-type. This was a slow process for me but hanging out with some mamas (thank you Blooma!) who continue to educate themselves about our environment makes it super easy to pick up these Earth-friendly tips.
Look at these oilcloth bags I gave at the end of the year to the teachers in 2013 - back when my friend, Katie Sansted, called her company Naptime Treasures - now it's KT design.
A thoughtful pinch this year could be to buy things that are sourced from local businesses. If items are made and/or sold by local peeps in my hood I'm on it! Buying locally cuts down on packaging and transporting. Think ahead to Mother's Day and/or End of the Year teacher gifts and use local vendors to buy things that support their businesses and the economy around you. While at the same time, getting a unique product - cool, right? Even if it costs a bit more, support local businesses, it all goes around just like the Earth.
I'm hoping Earth Day is a holiday you celebrate. Or maybe you need some thoughtful pinches to convince you to celebrate it? I'll see you next week with some fun ones - I can't wait!