National Houseplant Appreciation Day

Gosh I love learning about national days! I like finding out how thoughtful the founders of national days are and I like that most of the days enhance joy. I clicked on the link for National Houseplant Appreciation Day on the website because I was curious about the story behind this day. I am glad that I did because it confirmed a lot of what I already knew but opened my eyes to other tidbits of information.

Sunday Suppers

When I was in my twenties, I would fantasize about being a mother and I always pictured myself pulling a roast out of the oven and feeding my hungry family. But in reality, I’m far from doing that. I have a hub who is rarely home for dinner and when he is home, a roast would not be something he’d eat. I have a vegetarian daughter and I have a son who will eat meat and potatoes but prefers the meat and the potatoes to be prepared by a fast food restaurant, not by his mother.

'Tis the Season

Ho, Ho, Ho! The countdown is on. Plans are being made to spend time with family and friends because Hanukkah and Christmas are great reasons to gather. Especially since we had a couple holiday seasons under the Covid regime, I think many of us cannot wait to be within six feet of each other and without masks on this year. ‘Tis the season.

Holiday Huddle

Holiday Huddle. I can’t take the credit for the birth of this concept - my friend Megan Hendrickson passed it along to me when we lived in MPLS. She questioned why professional sports teams in the Twin Cities haven’t come together for causes that would benefit the community? The question made me pause. Then she added, “We should get the Vikings and the Wild to do something together, “ because she had ties to the Wild.

I'd Like to Phone a Friend

The other day I felt a bit jealous of the friend who was giving me a mani/pedi. I’ve known my friend for only fifteen months but in this time frame I have learned that she routinely calls her family on her way to and from work every day. Not just every once in awhile, but every day she has someone that she calls. This may not be earth shattering news or something you would be jealous about but I think it is thoughtful and worth mentioning.


Since it was just Halloween yesterday, I had been seeing the word BOO everywhere for a month. Boo was a nickname that people used to call their boyfriend or girlfriend back in the 1990’s. In fact, Ghost Town DJ’s (a perfect Halloween-themed band name for this holiday) had a hit song titled, “My Boo” and still to this day, I can’t help but dance whenever I hear it. After that song came out, I would sign all my notes to my then boyfriend now hub, “Love - Your Boo”.