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'Tis the Season

Ho, Ho, Ho! The countdown is on. Plans are being made to spend time with family and friends because Hanukkah and Christmas are great reasons to gather. Especially since we had a couple holiday seasons under the Covid regime, I think many of us cannot wait to be within six feet of each other and without masks on this year. ‘Tis the season.

The Journal Entry

I thought about sharing my journal entry from January 11, 2021 because on that day, I wrote down 51 hurdles that were effecting my life at that time. Some hurdles are deep and personal while others are not a big deal at all. Nonetheless, they are all hurdles. The main reason why I wrote them down in my journal was because I knew that if I saw each hurdle on it’s own line, I would see that each and every one of them was something I could handle. On that particular day, it just so happened that I was experiencing them all at once. Even though I captured the moment in my journal with written words, it has taken me awhile to put those words into context, explaining the mental gymnastics that my brain performed at the beginning of 2021.

Thoughtful Day Top 5

Every time I write about a national day, I use the resource If it weren’t for this site, I would not have so many thoughtful topics to choose from. Over at, they celebrate everyday and multiple occasions within the day. I am proud to be one of their ambassadors because it’s inevitable that every time I write about a national day, I bring awareness to someone who didn’t know that the day existed. I consider that a WIN because whenever there is awareness, thoughtfulness is sure to follow.


I don’t think wrinkles suck. Two exceptions for that statement would be when the wrinkles are not supposed to be part of my outfit and on an official, original document. Otherwise, I am totally fine with wrinkles. I’m sure some of you are thinking that I should wait until I’m older before I go around declaring that I’m fine with wrinkles on my face. But I’m here to say for sure, 100%, that I won’t ever change my mind about wrinkles on my face.