All tagged goals


I’ve had this Colorado Bucket List for over a year. Besides Broncos games and white water rafting, we haven’t accomplished much on the list. Spring Break is coming up and I would like to check one of these items off. This would take some planning. And just like I haven’t made a plan for my next steps with this blog, winging it is not the best way to accomplish my goals.

Falling Off the Wagon

There is so much talk about New Year’s Resolutions which is inevitably followed by conversations about falling off the wagon. People, who can expect to do ANYTHING on the first of January? We are hungover, football games are on TV and many businesses are closed. It’s a recipe for being a sloth on a couch. Why would anyone think starting a new habit on January 1st was totally reasonable?

Now What?

Ok, it’s the new year. I’m organized. I’m well-rested. I am ready to face 2019. As for resolutions, I made one and I also made three daily goals. Rather than getting into why I chose “Forgive” as my one and only NY resolution, I thought it was way more important to talk about what we do with all the gift cards we received over the holidays first. I mean, priorities.