All tagged God


There is definitely something stirring inside me. Again, the catalyst is because of a book. This is the second post in a row that pertains to a book. Which makes me think that written thoughts do matter and words have the ability to influence people beyond who we write them down for. When I listened to this book, I was alone and I found myself nodding my head, slapping the steering wheel, verbally agreeing and snorting with laughter. The title of the book is Unbreakable and it’s written by our friend Jay Glazer. We call him Glaze.


The number seven is a popular number. Besides being worn by many great athletes like Elway, there are many positive associations with the number. I may be one of few but I actually consider the “7 Year Itch” theory a positive thing. And who doesn’t like belting out Take Me Out the Ball Game during the 7th Inning Stretch?

Tiny But Mighty

Whenever I use the phrase “tiny but mighty” I am channeling the cartoon character Mighty Mouse; a small superhero mouse who always made a big impact. I think “tiny but mighty” was one of my favorite phrases of 2021 because I used it to label anything that seemed small but could beat the odds and exceed expectations. Well, get ready - Thoughtful Pinch is going thru a “tiny but mighty” change.

Time To Get Spiritual

I waited until the last minute to decide which habit I would work on for the 365 days in 2021. I knew that I was already going to try to ride the Peloton bike once or twice a week and I knew that I was going to try to cook more meals. But I needed something that I could do every day; a habit for 365 days. It had to be something small, almost like a “no brainer” or hard to skip. In doing this habit daily, the year’s effort would add up to be significant. More importantly, the habit should have the potential to continue for years.