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I have to admit, I downloaded the book Flourish on Audible because I wanted to know what my daughter was studying over the summer (she gets 1/2 a credit for school). I thought if I learned what the book was about, we could have something to talk about. When I read the title of the book Flourish, I figured that I could only benefit from this information and there was no down side to reading (listening) to it. So I used one of my Audible credits to get the audio version and when I got in the car for the 13 hour drive from Denver to Minneapolis, I chose to listen to Flourish out of the four books that I had in my cue.

Yogi Blurbs

I finally practiced yoga after a four or five month hiatus. The yoga hiatus was not because I needed a break from it. Gosh, I love yoga. No matter how intentional I want to be, life just rolls right over my practice. You’d think I would make it a top priority since everything about yoga makes me feel like Barb Pellicer Paton. When I come back to yoga after missing it, I find myself again. That’s the cool thing about yoga. When life gets in the way of practicing, which it will always fight to do, there is peace knowing that I will find myself again.

Party People

I love parties. I love going to parties and I like hosting parties. I am a party person. Since we moved to Colorado, I have been fortunate enough to team up with some amazing friends to host some parties. I thought I would share what I have learned about co-hosting parties because I have come to the conclusion that my days of throwing parties on my own are over