All tagged blessings


The number seven is a popular number. Besides being worn by many great athletes like Elway, there are many positive associations with the number. I may be one of few but I actually consider the “7 Year Itch” theory a positive thing. And who doesn’t like belting out Take Me Out the Ball Game during the 7th Inning Stretch?

Tiny But Mighty

Whenever I use the phrase “tiny but mighty” I am channeling the cartoon character Mighty Mouse; a small superhero mouse who always made a big impact. I think “tiny but mighty” was one of my favorite phrases of 2021 because I used it to label anything that seemed small but could beat the odds and exceed expectations. Well, get ready - Thoughtful Pinch is going thru a “tiny but mighty” change.

Good Scents

Our Thanksgiving Day dinner menu this year is: turkey (Martha Stewart’s brine recipe), mash potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole (Trader Joe’s recipe), gravy, corn, cranberry sauce, rolls, pumpkin pie and apple pie (with ice cream). It’s basic, yet fancy enough for us because we only eat these foods in this combination once a year. Each of these menu items have a unique scent and anyone who enjoys eating these foods would welcome their scents like a warm hug.


I have a theory and it involves a higher power. My higher power is God but you can insert your higher power (or not). First, I have to share a secret that I only shared with the hub right after we got engaged in case he wanted to back out of getting married. Back then, this secret was very serious to me and I haven’t told anyone else about it until now. I’m sharing it because I think in some way everyone could relate to my theory


I recently shared that my one and only New Year’s resolution for 2019 is to forgive. To clarify, I am not asking for forgiveness from anyone (even though I should); it’s me who will be forgiving others. I made the resolution before I realized how complicated it is to forgive. From January 1, 2019 to this date, I haven’t forgiven anyone for anything. I tell myself that it’s perfectly fine that I haven’t started forgiving because resolutions are not about instant change.  But really, I’m just a procrastinator.