All tagged Colorado


I’ve had this Colorado Bucket List for over a year. Besides Broncos games and white water rafting, we haven’t accomplished much on the list. Spring Break is coming up and I would like to check one of these items off. This would take some planning. And just like I haven’t made a plan for my next steps with this blog, winging it is not the best way to accomplish my goals.

Holiday Huddle

Holiday Huddle. I can’t take the credit for the birth of this concept - my friend Megan Hendrickson passed it along to me when we lived in MPLS. She questioned why professional sports teams in the Twin Cities haven’t come together for causes that would benefit the community? The question made me pause. Then she added, “We should get the Vikings and the Wild to do something together, “ because she had ties to the Wild.

Short + Sweet Visits

I have felt so honored whenever someone texts or calls me to let me know they are visiting Colorado and they’re thinking of me. Reaching out to me is a thoughtful pinch that I cherish endlessly. Just this past week I was able to see a few out-of-towners, a relative who lives here in Denver and I have another visitor coming up this week. The visits have been short and sweet and still a joy.