All tagged Chick-Fil-A

My Helpers

When I first got married I was taught early on that I would need help around the house because of the hours my hub would be putting into his career. Since I had never had to hire anyone before that, I began practicing my hospitality skills on anyone who would come into my home and help me. Whether it was a plumber, a gardener, a designer, a housekeeper, a painter, handyman, a/c repair person, etc. I practiced looking them in the eyes and remembering their names.


Besides getting late night munchies at Taco Bell or Carl’s Jr. as a teenager and young adult, I never fully appreciated the convenience of a drive-thru until I moved to Minnesota. We had arrived to our new home in August which gave me plenty of time to get the lay of the land while running errands with a baby before the first snow came down in November. It didn’t matter, I still struggled for years whenever I schlepped the baby(s) around for errands.