All in Products & Gift Ideas
Another July 4th is upon us and since I’m a sucker for all things red, white and blue, I bought some thoughtful pinches for my peeps.
For the second year in a row, my family will not be in the USA celebrating the day of Independence. However, before I left the country, I sent out the pinches to those family members who would be celebrating in America.
Last week I played in a nine-hole golf tournament, the theme was Diamonds in the Rough. Players were encouraged to get into the theme by wearing sparkling accessories and outfits. Because I previously played with my friend Kristin in another tournament two summers ago, I was really surprised that she invited me to play in her foursome. Even more surprising was that the invitation still stood after I confessed that I didn't touch my clubs for 1.5+ years because I had been working on my tennis. When I arrived at the club as Kristin's guest for the nine-hole tournament, I found out that she was the Chair of the event. What an honor! And because being invited wasn't enough, as a thoughtful pinch, Kristin gave each of her foursome a cap.
Jan, the person I hired to help me organize my time so that I could be more productive in my business, struck a nerve when we last spoke. But before I tell you what she said, I have to tell you about the convo we had prior to my "aha" moment.
I had already met with Jan a few times to tighten up my office "in box", work flow and time schedule so that I could concentrate on taking my business to the next level. {here's the post on my first meeting with Jan} We reviewed my schedule again. She learned that I recently made mixed cds for Mother's Day and asked me how much time it took to make them. I calculated it out loud and she made the observation that I created these thoughtful pinches with my children.
I know what you're thinking. You thought this was a respectable blog and now this title has you wondering WTF?
I'm up 5 pounds after going to Chicago (really Downer's Grove) for my son's first out of state tournament. While we ate lunch before heading to the airport, it hit me that this trip would be a rite of passage that many, many other parents of young athletes have been doing for years.
When I was in college, I was able to afford hair products and hair cuts because I was a hair model. Model was a fancy label given to me by the salon so they could use my hair for temporary color experiments and use me as an example of how hair could look if you too, used their products.
Months ago I bought "1-Cup Prep Bowl" containers from Pampered Chef because they were on sale and because I like to support my cousin's business. I knew that, in some capacity, these would be given out as thoughtful pinches because these containers are little gems.
Pets bring joy and value to our lives. When we bring home a four-legged "baby", chances are there will be sleepless nights, chewed up shoes, scratched up furniture, bathroom accidents or all of the above.
When I learned that the CEO of Beautycounter, Gregg Renfrew, would be speaking to us while I was on Spring Break in Orlando, I started thinking of questions that I wanted to ask in case I had the opportunity.
I'll always remember years ago when we lived on Hollywood Beach in Florida, we had to evacuate and took refuge inland. We hunkered down at my friend Paige's house and braced ourselves for the worst.
Raise your hand if you agree that National Potato Chip day is a holiday that is just as important as Thanksgiving. It's practically the same thing, right?