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I'm up 5 pounds after going to Chicago (really Downer's Grove) for my son's first out of state tournament. While we ate lunch before heading to the airport, it hit me that this trip would be a rite of passage that many, many other parents of young athletes have been doing for years.
Months ago I bought "1-Cup Prep Bowl" containers from Pampered Chef because they were on sale and because I like to support my cousin's business. I knew that, in some capacity, these would be given out as thoughtful pinches because these containers are little gems.
Raise your hand if you agree that National Potato Chip day is a holiday that is just as important as Thanksgiving. It's practically the same thing, right?
When I was growing up there wasn't much fuss about the amount of sugar in cereal. Or if fusses existed, my parents didn't know or care about it because I was able to get as many boxes of any cereal I wanted.
You're going to think I'm crazy but I almost declined an invitation to the Super Bowl. I'm not lying when I tell you that the very first thing that went thru my mind, as soon as one of my besties asked me to go with her to Super Bowl 52, was how would I ever find a thoughtful pinch to say thank you?