All tagged joy

Copy Cat

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. I am notorious for seeing ideas and copying them. And when people copy my ideas I am super flattered. My “movement” is to have thoughtfulness imitated throughout the world. I know that is a lofty goal but joy is contagious and we definitely experience joy when we see or learn of someone being thoughtful. I can only hope that thoughtfulness is a by-product of people imitating other people.

Party People

I love parties. I love going to parties and I like hosting parties. I am a party person. Since we moved to Colorado, I have been fortunate enough to team up with some amazing friends to host some parties. I thought I would share what I have learned about co-hosting parties because I have come to the conclusion that my days of throwing parties on my own are over

Party Pinches

Saying “Goodbye” to friends and family is not fun. In fact, I would advise everyone to avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, skipping town without hugging friends and telling them how much we care about them is not the best thing to do. So when my friends decided to throw me a, “Not Goodbye” party (a.k.a. See Ya Later Party), I was thrilled. It was such a thoughtful idea. It turns out my kids’ friends had the same idea too. Many of our friends gathered on particular dates in order for my daughter, my son and I to see our friends one last time before we moved. Each event was an amazing experience.

I'm Not Crying

The other day I was caught completely off guard when the Moms Group amazed me with a surprise party. Coincidentally, the surprise party was on the same day as my hub’s birthday (and Cinco de Mayo) so any attention for me was definitely not on my radar. My Moms Group consists of moms that I met when my daughter was eight months old (now 14.5 years old), moms that I met when my son was born (2008) and moms that I met in between then and now middle school years. Meeting up for parent educating classes for fourteen years or just a year, we have history together. Moms who learn together, stay together.

World Nutella Day

Do you know what Nutella is and if so, do you like it? The hazelnut and cocoa combo is spreadable, like peanut butter. Some don’t like it but most people really love it. I first learned of Nutella when my hub and I were dating. Before I met him, he lived in Milan, Italy, where Nutella was commonly found in baked goods. He said he would have a jar or two at his apartment so that he could spread it on fresh bread when he wanted a snack. When I tasted it for the first time, I remember thinking , “Where have you been all my life?”.