All tagged cousins

National Fried Rice Day

According to my favorite resource,, National Fried Rice Day is celebrated on September 20th every year. Guess which company is behind this day. Of course, Benihana, the restaurant chain that uses 2,720,350 pounds of California grown rice each year. And why would Benihana want this day to be nationally celebrated? Well, to paraphrase Benihana believes that high quality rice isn’t just another side dish. They believe that it is the foundational element of every meal.

It's Fall Y'all

I’ve mentioned before that I’m very lucky to have the support of some pretty darn talented Pellicer cousins. It’s time to introduce you to my cousin Jay-Jay, the gift-giving goddess herself. She will be collaborating with me on Thoughtful Pinch and all I can say is, “Hallelujah!” She’s been a Pro* at giving gifts for at least 35 years and fortunately for me, I have been on the receiving end of awesome thoughtful pinches for ALL THOSE YEARS!