All tagged change

Tiny But Mighty

Whenever I use the phrase “tiny but mighty” I am channeling the cartoon character Mighty Mouse; a small superhero mouse who always made a big impact. I think “tiny but mighty” was one of my favorite phrases of 2021 because I used it to label anything that seemed small but could beat the odds and exceed expectations. Well, get ready - Thoughtful Pinch is going thru a “tiny but mighty” change.

Big Enough

Over the last week, I’ve been scrolling thru social media trying to find something other than anti-racism quotes by prominent black people posted by white people. Don’t get me wrong, I am so proud of my friends and family who are fighting for justice. Every quote they post is very meaningful. I am an over-thinker so posting as such is not me. My idea of helping out is to figure out a way to walk the walk so that I can talk the talk.