All tagged Vasilia

Connectors (Part 2)

So there is connection and then there are connectors. Two totally separate nouns that I’m writing about in my “Connection” blog post series. What would the discussion about connections be without connectors? Connectors are instrumental in putting us on paths that ultimately change our lives. For the sake of thoughtfulness and the awareness of silver linings, the connectors that I am referring to in this post are for those who change our lives for the better, not worse.

Now What?

Ok, it’s the new year. I’m organized. I’m well-rested. I am ready to face 2019. As for resolutions, I made one and I also made three daily goals. Rather than getting into why I chose “Forgive” as my one and only NY resolution, I thought it was way more important to talk about what we do with all the gift cards we received over the holidays first. I mean, priorities.