All tagged Tim Gelt

Holiday Huddle

Holiday Huddle. I can’t take the credit for the birth of this concept - my friend Megan Hendrickson passed it along to me when we lived in MPLS. She questioned why professional sports teams in the Twin Cities haven’t come together for causes that would benefit the community? The question made me pause. Then she added, “We should get the Vikings and the Wild to do something together, “ because she had ties to the Wild.

The Knock on the Door

In 2020 I started the process with to have an official day of National Thoughtful Day. One of my efforts was writing a plea in a post for why we should recognize and celebrate the day. The post is entitled Thoughtful Day Top 5. Since this national day is very young, it hasn’t had much recognition and we decided this year, using video to capture a fews things that I did on August 28, 2022 might help inspire more to celebrate the national day.

Tough Calls

I don’t know if all Virgos are having communication issues like me but something has definitely been in the air these past two weeks. I have had to make some tough calls lately and it sucks. For me, Mrs. “I-Want-Everyone-to-Like-Me”, making these tough calls have been…well, tough.