thoughtful pinch

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Entrepreneur Pinches

Last Fall, I was crushed when the Thoughtful Pinch app didn’t take off the way I had imagined. Fortunately, I believe that things happen for a reason so I didn’t dwell on the set back for long. I threw a pity party for a few weeks but I eventually embraced the “failure”. I took a breather. I collected data. I grew; which is always a good thing.

In case you’re like us and had to get an extension, 2019 taxes are due this week. While finishing up the paperwork for our taxes, I discovered a couple of things: 1) I miss my Thoughtful Pinch app and 2) it’s time to start working again. Although I would like to believe that I was “working”, I was actually just trying to stay above water. At the beginning of 2020, I had added some new tasks to my daily work routine but it was at the expense the app. Having said that, in full transparency, I may have avoided promoting the Thoughtful Pinch app on purpose.

When I gathered all the paperwork for the taxes, I saw all of the effort that I had poured into the app and it made me realize that I shouldn’t give up. For me, this realization was not about the money that I invested. Instead, seeing my written notes reminded me that I had intentions for my app; I had a motive. I wanted to pursue my efforts again but I needed some some sort of sign. I looked around my home office and I was surrounded by thoughtful pinches from my wonderful family and friends.

The picture above hangs on my bulletin board. My friend Christy gave it to me when I “launched” my ideas in August 2018. This pinch is inspirational and every time I look at it I feel the love. But apparently up until this weekend, I took the message for granted. Last Fall, my pride blamed me for listening to my heart. However, this Fall, the inspiration of this message has made a come back. Once again, I believe that I have something to share. I know that my app has a purpose; it solves a problem. Using the app will make showing thoughtfulness quick, easy and hopefully contagious. Once more, I’m going to listen to my heart.

Every entrepreneur wonders if what we are doing is worth it. It can be lonely trying to put forth something that we believe should be out in the universe. Particularly if the product or service is before it’s time. Whatever the business is, if you know someone who is trying their hand at making money doing what they love to do, consider showing them some thoughtfulness. Below are gifts that I have received along my business journey. I keep them close to me as reminders that others are hoping for my success too.

This is a gift that is meant to be given away. Christy also gave me this card so that I can give it to someone who would appreciate the sentiments. Many women are entrepreneurs but regardless of gender, receiving a card that encourages us to keep on going is very thoughtful. I am reminded that I need to send this out!

My friend Allison gave me this pinch. It’s impossible to miss seeing this plaque every day because it sits right under my computer screen. I do hustle every day - I have been making 1 minute videos every day since New Years Eve 2019 with the exception of Blackout Tuesday.

These magnets are from my cousin Jay-Jay. Prior to Covid, I was renting space at a collaborative workspace but now that I am home, I am able to use these magnets on my bulletin board. Not only do they look great in my home office but they hold up my important papers.

I also received these two pads of paper from my cousin Jay-Jay. The one on the left I received years ago and the pink one on the right was a bday gift this year. Daily inspirational quotes will pump up any one - especially entrepreneurs!

Yet another pinch from Jay-Jay. This sign hangs in my home office. It brightens up the space and makes me smile.

When I shared that I wanted to take my business to the next level, my friend Jamie printed up my logo and gave it to me in this frame.

My friend Mary gave me this personalized business card holder. It’s super sleek and I am proud to pull it out when I give out my business cards.

I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of other wonderful gifts that are available for providing inspiration and support. Entrepreneurs appreciate knowing that others are pulling for them. We want the entrepreneur(s) in our lives to feel confident as we encourage them to keep reaching for the stars. These special gifts have helped me to stay positive. They keep my dreams alive. And most of all, I feel comfort knowing that what I am doing matters to those who gave them to me. I am looking forward to promoting the Thoughtful Pinch app when the revisions are complete and approved by Apple. In the meantime, thank you for supporting me by reading these posts and/or watching my videos.

